A sports arena, a bridge, and a theatre were among the winning projects in the 2011 Canadian Consulting Engineering Awards.
Presented by the Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC) and Canadian Consulting Engineer, the awards have been held annually for 43 years. Considered the highest form of recognition for the consulting engineering industry, this year more than 60 engineering projects were submitted for consideration in several categories:
• buildings;
• environment;
• transportation;
• water resources; and
• project management.
“The awards recognize the greatest engineering works designed and built by Canadian consulting engineering firms,” said John Gamble, ACEC president. “To win an Award of Excellence is considered a prestigious honour by the industry.”
Winning projects included:
• Award of Excellence: Queen Elizabeth Theatre (Vancouver)–Aercoustics Engineering;
• Award of Excellence: St. Joseph Seminary (Edmonton)–Dialog;
• Award of Excellence: Petite-Nation River Bridge, Highway 50 (Lochabar, Que.)–CIMA+;
• Schreyer Award: Gaspé Mines Réhabilitation (Murdochville, Que.)–Genivar; and
• Award of Excellence: Poirier Sport and Leisure Complex (Coquitlam, B.C.)–AME Group and IMEC Mechanical.
For a list of winners, visit www.acec.ca/en/services/awards/index.asp.