Canadian construction lawyers convene in Québec

by carly_midgley | July 11, 2017 9:48 am

The Canadian College of Construction Lawyers (CCCL) brought its annual conference to Québec City this year, sharing knowledge, inducting Fellows, electing Officers and Governors, and offering networking activities.
Photo courtesy

This year marked the 20th anniversary of the Canadian College of Construction Lawyers[2] (CCCL) Annual Conference, which featured presentations, activities, and events surrounding the theme of procurement and infrastructure renewal. Taking place at Québec City’s Fairmont Château Frontenac in May, the two-day event was attended by more than 80 Fellows.

“Québec City, steeped in centuries of history, was the perfect setting for CCCL’s 20th Anniversary Conference,” said Olivier F. Kott, the organization’s outgoing president. “The timeless quality of the Old City provided a wonderful contrast to the dynamic world of construction law that we all work in. And it was such a beautiful place to catch up with good friends and colleagues, make some new acquaintances, and share best practices in the industry we are all so passionate about.”

Some of those best practices were discussed at the event’s panels and presentations, such as an interview with James Paul (president/CEO of Defence Construction Canada[3]), Dan Genest’s overview of the New Champlain Bridge[4] project, and Bruce Reynolds and Sharon Vogel’s talk on adjudication and lien legislation reform in Ontario. CCCL’s annual general meeting (AGM) also involved the election of a new Board of Governors, and was followed by more presentations discussing court rulings, material and equipment tariffs, and more.

Those seeking more levity from the event could take advantage of its social activities, including tours, an architectural cruise of the St. Lawrence River, and a dinner at Musée National Des Beaux-Arts du Québec[5].

At an anniversary dinner, Construction Canada contributor David Bristow, QC, LSM, C.Arb, was honored for his 60 years in the industry. (Click here[6] to see some of Bristow’s legal columns.) Eight new Fellows were also inducted, as follows:

Officers were also elected for CCCL, including:

CCCL is already gearing up for next year’s conference, which will be held May 31 to June 3 at the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel in Alberta.

  1. [Image]:
  2. Canadian College of Construction Lawyers:
  3. Defence Construction Canada:
  4. New Champlain Bridge:
  5. Musée National Des Beaux-Arts du Québec:
  6. Click here:
  7. Glaholt LLP:
  8. Borden Ladner Gervais:
  9. Cox & Palmer:
  10. Miller Thomson:
  11. Advocates LLP:
  12. Dentons Canada LLP:
  13. Stewart McKelvey:
  14. Cassels Brock & Blackwell:
  15. Goodmans LLP:

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