Canada participates in international BIM-related standards meetings

by | October 25, 2016 1:45 pm

The future of building information modelling (BIM) and standardization is continuing to be developed, with Canadian experts of the process. Photo © BigStockPhoto
The future of building information modelling (BIM) and standardization is continuing to be developed, with Canadian experts of the process.
Photo © BigStockPhoto

With financial support from Institute for BIM in Canada (IBC) and Standards Council of Canada (SCC),  Canadian delegates participated in ISO meetings related to building information modelling.

Held in Berlin, Germany, the event related to ISO TC59/SC13, Organization of Information About Construction Works. It concerned standardization of many technologies surrounding BIM—specifically, those related to:

The scope of these standards is beginning to expand from just buildings to civil engineering subjects and geospatial (district) modelling. Future announcements are expected to be issued by buildingSMART’s Canada Chapter regarding these activities.

For those interested in working on BIM standards, contact the Canadian ISO TC59/SC13 mirror committee chair, David Watson, CET, FCSC, CSP. He can be reached at[1].

To read a Construction Canada article on BIM project execution plans (PxPs), click here[2]. An in-depth look exploring the need for a national mandate related to building information modelling is scheduled for our December issue.

  2. here:

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