Calgary library most anticipated Canadian building of 2018

Central Library in Calgary’s East Village is scheduled to open late fall.
Image © MIR, courtesy Snøhetta and Dialog

Architectural Digest has named Calgary’s Central Library as one of the 12 most anticipated buildings of 2018.

Construction on the $245 million project began in the city’s East Village in 2015. Snøhetta and Dialog designed the project with its surrounding landscape in mind, framing the building’s entry with wood-clad arches to reference the chinook arch cloud formations, which are common to the province.

“I think what a library means to our community has changed, but this type of designation really shows that not only is this going to be a huge landmark for Calgary, but this is going to be an internationally recognized landmark for Western Canada,” says Mary Kapusta, communications director for the library.

The 22,300-m2 (240,000-sf) space will house more than 600,000 physical books, as well as 30 free-use meeting rooms, a 350-seat performance hall, an early learning centre for children, and an audio, video, and game area for teens. A section of Calgary’s light rail transit (LRT) system will also run beneath the building.

The project is scheduled to complete construction on time and under-budget in late fall.

Click here to read the full CBC news article.

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