CSC 2019 conference wrap-up: Building collaboration in Regina

Education Certification

CSC College of Fellows Chancellor Mike Garlinski, FCSC, (left) welcomes David Boyle, CTR, into the College.
CSC College of Fellows Chancellor Mike Garlinski, FCSC, (left) welcomes David Boyle, CTR, into the College.

Jess Watson received an award for his work in implementing the CSC Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD) course into the curriculum at Red River College in Winnipeg.

Peter Semchuk, FCSC, RSW, CCCA, received an award for his continued support of the CSC Education and Certification Programs, and for his efforts and work on the RSW sub-committee.

Other award recipients included Douglas Ault, CCCA, and Glenn Chatten.


George Heath, FCSC, received a Program Director Award for his work in the development of the Chapter Marketing Liaison Guide.

 Membership/Chapter Development and Communications

The Montréal Chapter’s Isabelle Buisson was recognized for her efforts in helping the association process new and renewing members from Québec, while Corinn Golding, FCSC, RSW, of the Calgary Chapter and Michael Sagriff of the Winnipeg Chapter received awards for work on their local Chapter Specifier.

National Award of Merit

This award is presented to members in recognition of their contributions to the well-being of CSC. Board members can nominate or endorse the nomination of a member to whom they believe an award should be made beyond that of a Chapter Award of Merit for exceptional effort, zeal, effectiveness, and time expended for the benefit of CSC as a whole. This year, Terrance Bergen, CCCA, of the Vancouver Island Chapter, and Yvon Lachance, CCCA, of the Montréal Chapter, were the recipients of the National Award of Merit.

Bergen was recognized for his efforts in creating the Vancouver Island Chapter and for continuing to ensure its well-being during his time on the Board of Directors.

Lachance was recognized for his work on the translation of CSC courses and for spearheading the creation, and chairing, the CSC Translation Committee.


This year, the ranks of the College of Fellows rose by one with the induction of David Boyle, CTR. Chancellor Mike Garlinski, FCSC, dean John Lape, FCSC, FCSI, CCS, registrar Peter Semchuk, FCSC, RSW, CCCA, and treasurer Claude Giguère, FCSC, were joined by many other Fellows at the induction ceremony.

David Boyle, CTR

Boyle, a technical sales representative with W. R. Meadows of Canada, has been a member since early 2000. He was one of the individuals responsible for the revitalization of the Grand Valley Chapter. Boyle was also integral to the success of the CSC Conference in Kitchener. During his movement through the CSC executive council, Boyle worked diligently to ensure all decisions were for the betterment of the association. Boyle has now taken on the role of chair for CSC Conference 2023. Boyle possesses an attitude that is next to none. He cares and works to get things done, but also wants to have fun.

Montréal bound

Next year, the CSC National Conference moves to Montréal. Yvon Lachance and Pierre-Luc Baril are co-chairs of an energetic Conference Committee, and plans for the 2020 event—which is scheduled to take place at the Bonaventure Hotel on May 20,2020, are well underway.

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