CSC 2019 conference wrap-up: Building collaboration in Regina

Michael Schneider, FCSC, CCCA

CSC president Paul Gerber (left) presents Michael Schneider, FCSC, CCCA, with a CSC Life Award.
CSC president Paul Gerber (left) presents Michael Schneider, FCSC, CCCA, with a CSC Life Award.

Schneider has been a program manager with the City of Edmonton since January 1981. In this capacity, he is responsible for the execution of the city’s capital projects with a primary focus on recreational facilities for the last 10 years. Schneider’s roles and responsibilities include liaising with various client and user groups to facilitate the ongoing implementation of projects.

Schneider joined CSC in March 1988, and has been actively involved with CSC at both the chapter and national levels, as well as on the international stage representing the association in a number of capacities and liaising with CSI and the International Framework Dictionaries (IFD).

Schneider has held various positions at the chapter level including director. He played a key role in rebuilding the Edmonton Chapter membership and was also instrumental in developing programs recognized by the Alberta Association of Architects (AAA) for continuing education credits (CEU).

Schneider was elected to the executive council in 2002 and has held the positions of vice-president, president, and immediate past president/registrar (concluding in 2009).

As chair of the Education Certification Committee (ECC), Schneider helped revamp the Principles of Construction Documentation (PCD) course as well as develop its online version. He played a key role in the development of the Certified Specifications Practitioner (CSP) designation. This effort resulted in the 2011 launch of CSP application procedures and submission form documentation. Since then, Schneider has acted as chair of the CSP subcommittee.

He has received numerous awards from CSC both at the chapter and national levels, including the President’s Award in 2005.


CSC executive director Nick Franjic, CAE, congratulates Trevor Devnich, Calgary Chapter chair, on receiving the Lloyd Boddy Chapter of the Year Award.
CSC executive director Nick Franjic, CAE, congratulates Trevor Devnich, Calgary Chapter chair, on receiving the Lloyd Boddy Chapter of the Year Award.

The President’s Chapter Awards of Merit encourage and recognize active, forward-looking chapters in categories ranging from membership growth and education programs to financial contributions and meeting attendance. This year’s qualifiers were Atlantic, Calgary, Edmonton, Grand Valley, Montréal, Regina, Toronto, Winnipeg, and Vancouver Island. When it came time to decide the best of the best and hand over the Lloyd Boddy Chapter of the Year Award, the Calgary Chapter was the winner, excelling in areas such as professional development opportunities, spirit, and participation in local industry and CSC committees.

The chapters themselves also present Awards of Merit to their own outstanding members. This year’s winners include:

  • Atlantic— John-Nevan McCullough and Richard Kassner;
  • Ottawa— Brian Hepworth, CCCA, and Jeff Halashewski, RSW;
  • Grand Valley—Danielle Mahn;
  • London—Kees Govers and Allan Taylor;
  • Montréal—Danielle Couture, Daniel Morin, and Thierry Segard;
  • Regina—Dylan Elliot;
  • Saskatoon—Kelly Bodlt, CSP, and Misty Alexandre;
  • Toronto—Isabelle Champagne, CTR, Bob Hartogsveld, CTR, CCCA, and Stacey Bogdanow, CTR;
  • Vancouver—Randy Smith, CTR, and Josh Dewey CTR;
  • Vancouver Island—Todd Gerrard, CTR;
  • Winnipeg—Michael Sagriff, Jean Gallagher, and Ryan Epp;
  • Calgary—Jonathon Greenland, CTR, Peter Hiebert, FCSC, CTR, and Sylvie Dzikewich, CTR, and;
  • Edmonton— Dylan Leclair and Kyla Keller.

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