CSC 2018 conference wrap-up: Building collaboration in Edmonton

CSC executive director Nick Franjic, CAE, was also a President’s Award recipient.
CSC executive director Nick Franjic, CAE, was also a President’s Award recipient.

Recognizing excellence

Sponsored again this year by Rockfon, the annual awards luncheon was emceed by Cam Newton, CTR. The event gave CSC a chance to celebrate its best and brightest members and associates.

F. Ross Browne Award

The F. Ross Browne Award recognizes editorial excellence in Construction Canada, highlighting the author or co-authors of an article in the magazine. This year, the publication’s editorial advisory board chose a July 2017 piece from a shortlist of top contenders. Frequent Construction Canada contributor Brian Burton was the recipient for his article, “Parliamentary Privileges.”

Program Director Awards

Peter Emmett was honoured with a President’s Award.
Peter Emmett was honoured with a President’s Award.

Program Director Awards were given out in several categories.


In recognition of their work in hosting the informative and fun event in Edmonton, co-chairs Peter Semchuk, FCSC, RSW, CCCA, CET, and Kevin Osborne received Program Director Awards, as did the other members of the 2018 Edmonton Conference Committee:

    • David Lawrence, FCSC, CTR;
    • Richard Lucid, CTR;
    • Shaune Smith, CCCA;
    • Mike Lafontaine;
    • Jeff Halashewski, RSW;
    • Mike Ewaskiw, RSW;
    • Donna DeVloo;
    • Cam Munro, CTR;
    • David Watson, FCSC, CSP;
    • Aaron Kjeld;
    • Michael J. Schneider, FCSC, CCCA;
    • Darlene Helfrich, CTR; and
    • Russell Bridgeman.


The Edmonton Chapter, with the help of Keith Robinson, FCSC, FCSI, RSW, and various sponsors, created the Stephanie Wertz Education Fund (SWEF) Bursary in the memory of Stephanie Wertz, who was passionate about specifications and a great friend to CSC. This cash award is presented to a deserving student in the architectural technology program at the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT) and is being expanded to include the construction technology and interior design programs.

The bursary, in the amount of $1500 per year, is awarded to a student who shows exemplary academic achievement and demonstrated financial need, and who has submitted an essay indicating his or her commitment to construction communication and documentation.

Over the past several years, in lieu of speaker gifts, CSC conference host chapters have chosen a charity or cause to support. This year, the Edmonton Chapter chose the SWEF as the organization to receive funds


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