BUILD Ideas two-day conference coming to Toronto in October

Held on October 19 and 20 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto, the BUILD Ideas conference brings together some of the country's brightest building science minds.
Held on October 19 and 20 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto, the BUILD Ideas conference brings together some of the country’s brightest building science minds.

The Toronto Chapter of CSC is partnering with Building Science Consulting Inc. and the University of Toronto, University of Waterloo, and Ryerson University to present BUILD Ideas—an event moderated by lauded design/construction experts, John Straube, Ted Kesik, and Mark Gorgolewski.

Held on October 19 and 20 at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto, expert speakers will give short, focused talks of 15 to 20 minutes, followed by moderated discussion. The goal of BUILD (i.e. Building science, Urban growth, Innovation, Learning, Dialogue) is to present insightful ideas about how the design/construction industry is changing, based on experience and research.

Further, the experts and key stakeholders involved in the Building Science Roundtable will be presenting the results of their latest meetings and inviting feedback at a plenary session on October 20th, during the conference reception.

Speakers for the event include many architects, engineers, and professors whose work has appeared in Construction Canada. The opening session will be led by Jennifer Keesmaat, the chief planner for the City of Toronto.

Conference participants will receive a certificate and can earn five Building Science Specialist of Ontario (BSSO) or 5.5 American Institute of Architects (AIA) or Ontario Association of Architects (OAA) continuing education credits.

For more information, visit

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