B.C. wood projects and experts celebrated

by mbuckstein | March 20, 2013 4:07 pm

University of British Columbia’s (UBC’s) Earth Sciences Building (ESB), designed by Perkins+Will, was presented with the Large Institutional Building Award at the 2013 Wood Works! B.C. Wood Design Awards. The project will be featured in the April issue of Construction Canada. Photo courtesy Wood Works! B.C.

Wood Works! B.C. has announced the winners of its ninth annual design awards.

Hundreds of construction industry members attended the gala early this month, honouring provincial projects at the Vancouver Convention Centre.

The program brings awareness to the versatility of structures using wood as a main building material, and a panel of five judges awarded projects in 12 categories.

The 2013 winners include:

In addition to the Wood Innovation Award, Perkins+Will was given the Green Building Award and Large Institutional Building Award for University of British Columbia’s (UBC’s) Centre for Interactive Research on Sustainability and Earth Sciences Building (ESB) projects, respectively.

Wood Works! B.C. executive director Mary Tracey saw an increase in project variety at this year’s event.

“The project teams are exploring wood’s potential and advancing the science and art of wood design and building, which are the goals of our awards program,” she told Construction Canada Online. “While we have continued enthusiasm and support from the building and design community, we have observed a new generation of designers at our events, embracing wood and wood products in their projects.”

For a full list of 2013 recipients, visit www.woodworks.org.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/2WoodInnovation_PerkinsWill_EarthSciencesBuildingESB_004.jpg

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/b-c-wood-projects-and-experts-celebrated/