B.C. museum receives AIA Institute Honor Award

by Samantha Ashenhurst | January 23, 2018 9:01 am

The Audain Art Museum in Whistler, B.C., was designed to blend into its natural surroundings.
Photo © James Dow. Photo courtesy Patkau Architects

The American Institute of Architects[2] (AIA) announced the winners of this year’s Institute Honor Awards, recognizing projects exemplifying excellence in architecture, interior architecture, and urban design. One of the recipients under the architecture category, Audain Art Museum[3] in Whistler, B.C., was cited by judges as “a beautiful, dynamic project that literally wraps users around nature, blurring the boundaries between manmade and natural.”

Designed by Patkau Architects[4], the 5203-m2 (56,000-sf) structure is situated in a forest and was designed to integrate seamlessly into its natural surroundings. Housing the extensive art collection of philanthropist Michael Audain, the space is the first museum in Canada solely dedicated to the art of a single province.

To read more about the museum’s design, click here[5].

Additional Institute Honor Awards for Architecture recipients are as follows:

Selected from 500 submissions, the 17 recipients will be honoured at the AIA Conference on Architecture 2018[16] in New York City June 21 to 23.

To view a complete list of winners, click here[17].

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/credit-James-Dow-courtesy-Patkau-Architects.jpg
  2. American Institute of Architects: https://www.aia.org/
  3. Audain Art Museum: https://audainartmuseum.com/
  4. Patkau Architects: https://patkau.ca/
  5. here: https://www.aia.org/showcases/169386-audain-art-museum
  6. Diller Scofidio + Renfro: https://dsrny.com/
  7. Ross Barney Architects: http://www.r-barc.com/
  8. Robert Hull: http://millerhull.com/
  9. University of Washington Department of Architecture: http://arch.be.washington.edu/
  10. Dattner Architects: http://www.dattner.com/
  11. WXY architecture + urban design: https://www.wxystudio.com/
  12. Miller Hull Partnership: http://millerhull.com/
  13. Skidmore, Owings & Merrill: http://www.som.com/
  14. Marlon Blackwell Architects: https://www.marlonblackwell.com/
  15. Graham Baba Architects: http://grahambabaarchitects.com/
  16. AIA Conference on Architecture 2018: http://conferenceonarchitecture.com/
  17. here: http://link.email.dynect.net/link.php?DynEngagement=true&H=w8Bl7ZSLqC%2BFFEF9P0XN9HJB14ltnTgt2r4zKtmGsiA5bfE55aykH65nI32rW3Iw%2BxXN7g3yJMCJSxZF4Fnjs%2FqsmeVtkkTOK%2FhO26TuImzRs4irCC3974iruC8%2Bkf%2BXLI7pNnQQA80%3D&G=0&R=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aia.org%2Fpress-releases%2F172561-2018-aia-institute-honor-awards-recognize-e&I=20180112140028.000001c5e5a5%40mail6-51-ussnn1&X=MHwxMDQ2NzU4OjVhNThiYmNkNDEzYzBlMGEwYzcxN2ZiNTs%3D&S=5wwmS6tOl8rlI-3l4g5qA5vba59O0bySSFFcB2adZlM

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/b-c-museum-receives-aia-institute-honor-award/