B.C. architects to be honoured for their design

by mbuckstein | April 4, 2012 10:30 am

Patkau Biodiversity Whale Lantern[1]
Situated on the University of British Columbia (UBC) campus, the Beaty Biodiversity Centre and Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory fosters a feeling of academic community through a modern learning environment. Photo © Jimmy Dow/Patkau Architects.

The Architectural Institute of British Columbia (AIBC) is seeking entrants for its program to determine the best in the province’s new projects and design teams. Submissions will be accepted until April 12.

The AIBC Architectural Awards ceremony, taking place May 11, will be held at the Vancouver Convention Centre to honour excellence in completed architectural projects. Other goals are to recognize the role of AIBC members and associates in British Columbia’s built environment, and to promote AIBC members as architectural leaders provincially, nationally, and internationally.

Winners are selected by a jury in the following categories:
• the Lieutenant-Governor of British Columbia (LG) Award in Architecture;
• the AIBC Innovation Award;
• the AIBC Special Jury Award; and
• the AIBC Emerging Firm Award.

Last year’s recipients for the LG Award went to Patkau Architects for the Beaty Biodiversity Centre/Aquatic Ecosystems Research Laboratory, as well as Bing Thom Architects Inc., for Arena Stage at the Mead Centre for American Theater.

“The AIBC Awards are a true celebration of architectural excellence,” AIBC council president Gordon Richards told Construction Canada Online. “They not only help to set new standards within the profession, but also raise public awareness of the architectural profession and its lasting impact on our communities.”

For more information on the two-step registration process, visit www.aibc.ca.

Thom Arena Stage Night[2]
The Arena Stage at the Mead Centre for American Theater in Washington, D.C.—three buildings wrapped in a 14-m (45-ft) high glass skin and capped by a distinctive cantilevered roof—challenges the usual assumptions of theatre design. Photo © Nic Lehoux.

  1. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Patkau-Biodiversity-Whale-Lantern.jpg
  2. [Image]: https://www.constructioncanada.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Thom-Arena-Stage-Night.jpg

Source URL: https://www.constructioncanada.net/b-c-architects-to-be-honoured-for-their-design/