Are all LED luminaires created equal?

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Heat-sinking and air flow must be designed to maintain an acceptable range of operating temperature for both the LEDs and the electronic power supply.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the temperature at the junction of the diode determines performance, so heat sinking and air flow must be designed to maintain an acceptable range of operating temperature for both the LEDs and the electronic power supply. Luminaire manufacturers can be asked to provide operating temperature data at a verifiable temperature measurement point on the luminaire, and data explaining how temperature relates to expected light output and lumen maintenance for the specific LEDs used.

Regardless of how efficient LED fixtures are at dissipating heat, ambient operating temperatures still play a major role in a product’s lifecycle. Naturally, warmer climates make it harder to maintain the lowest possible operating temperatures during peak summer months. However, cooler geographical areas have lower temperatures, therefore ensuring a longer life for light-emitting diodes—the cooler the climate, the more ideal it is for LED luminaires.

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An LED thermal management system can promote cool operation and extends the light’s lifecycle.

Retrofit considerations
Many LED retrofit lamps do not retain the exact form of their non-LED counterparts. This can lead to challenges with fit, function, and/or thermal management when installed in standard luminaires. Additionally, some LED retrofit lamps’ packaging indicates the lamps are not designed for use in enclosed luminaires such as recessed downlights. If LED retrofit lamps require access to ambient air for thermal management, installing the glass lenses often used with standard luminaires can damage or severely affect the lamp’s performance and life cycle.

Further, LED sources can appear extremely bright and/or pixilated and require appropriate shielding and/or cut-off for comfortable application. Unless a manufacturer has optimized the luminaire to account for a specific lamp, performance and appearance may be compromised when LED retrofit lamps are installed.

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Heat sink technology draws heat away from each light-emitting diode (LED) where it then rises out of the luminaire rather than being trapped within the housing.

Canadian utility rebates
Equally important is to determine whether end-users will be able to take advantage of utility rebates and other subsidies for products meeting a particular level of efficiency and power factor correction. Rebates for lighting upgrades are alive and well, with rebate organizations having updated programs for 2015.

Toronto Hydro’s BIP
Through the Business Incentive Program (BIP), Toronto Hydro-Electric System offers incentives to all owners and operators of commercial lighting and industrial lighting buildings in the City of Toronto. The incentives are $400/kW for lighting upgrades, and $800/kW for other energy saving upgrades. Projects are evaluated to ensure true kW reductions are achieved and retrofits remain in operation for three years.

BOMA Toronto’s CDM program
The Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Toronto Conservation Demand Management (CDM) Program is available for commercial properties in the city that are more than 2322 m2 (25,000 sf). The incentive for projects is either $400/kW on-peak demand reduction or $0.05/kWh of annual consumption reduction up to 40 per cent of the projects capital cost.

HydroOne’s ERIP
The Electricity Retrofit Incentive Program (ERIP) program is for commercial buildings outside of Toronto. ERIP is delivered through a local distribution company (LDC) however, not all LDC participate in the program. ERIP provides a range of incentives for prescriptive applications such as exit-sign upgrades, as well as offer an incentive of $0.05/kWh for custom projects.

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