Aercoustics celebrates milestone anniversary

by jclancy | October 17, 2014 2:24 pm

The Aercoustics Engineering team celebrated the firm’s 40th anniversary at the former site of Maple Leaf Gardens. Photo © David Crowder [1]
The Aercoustics Engineering team celebrated the firm’s 40th anniversary at the former site of Maple Leaf Gardens. Photo © David Crowder

Canadian firm Aercoustics Engineering is celebrating 40 years of acoustic design and noise and vibration control with a brand-new look.

Earlier this month, a celebration was held at Toronto’s Mattamy Athletic Centre—the former site of Maple Leaf Gardens—one of the firm’s past projects. A new logo and the tagline, “Experience the Sound. Feel the Silence,” were revealed as part of the milestone festivity.

“We have had the opportunity to work on some very high-profile and challenging projects recently and our new tagline speaks volumes about our strengths and abilities,” said Construction Canada author and Aercoustics Engineering president, Steve Titus[2]. “We are always looking for ways to help our customers create unique experiences and our dedication to outrageous engineering has allowed our business to grow and expand.”

Recently, the firm became the country’s first lab accredited to International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 17025:2005, General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories, to conduct noise testing of wind turbines with International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 61400-11, Acoustic Noise Measurement Techniques. Recent projects include Vancouver’s Queen Elizabeth Theatre, Sick Kids Peter Gilgan Research & Learning Tower in Toronto, and the Thunder Bay Consolidated Courthouse.

  1. [Image]:
  2. Steve Titus:

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