International floor covering report released

The demand for nonresilient flooring like ceramic tiles will remain steady into 2018, according to a new report by the Freedonia Group. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Yunava1
The demand for nonresilient flooring like ceramic tiles will remain steady into 2018, according to a new report by the Freedonia Group. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Yunava1

The international demand for floor covering is expected to increase 4.5 per cent to a value of $325 billion by 2018, according to a report from the Freedonia Group.

Attributed to the increase in international housing construction, World Flooring & Carpet suggests the growth is an improvement from the previous five-year period of 2008 to 2013. Residential projects made up 57 per cent of the 2013 sales while non-residential projects accounted for 37 per cent. An increase in vehicle production also had a positive impact on the demand for carpeting products, and the transportation industry made up the remainder.

Over the next five years, North America is predicted to post the highest demand for the products, followed by the Asia/Pacific region; Western Europe, Australia, and Japan round out the other top consumers.

Nonresilient flooring materials—such as concrete or ceramic tile—made up three-fifths of the demand last year, and are expected to post the same numbers into 2018. These materials will see the biggest gains across Asia where nonresilient flooring account for most sales.

Click here to view the report.

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