Halifax’s Omar Gandhi Architect firm has been selected as the winner of the Canada Council for the Arts 2014 Prix de Rome prize.
This award honours the outstanding achievement of a young Canadian architect or firm with $50,000 to further develop skills and their creative practice. Gandhi plans to consult with specialists in Colombia, England, Scotland, and the United States as part of a research project looking at how precipitation can shape design. His studies will focus on 3D modelling, innovative manufacturing techniques, biomimicry, rainwater recovery, and sustainable strategies.
“We are honoured by the support of our peers and grateful to the Canada Council for this contribution,” said Omar Gandhi. “With the Prix de Rome as our foundation, we can evolve our methodology and integrate a culture of research and experimentation into our practice to create architecture that responds to, and engages within its environment.”
The firm, formed in 2010, specializes in custom modern design and is inspired by the Maritime climate.