Message from the president: The power of volunteerism

The power of volunteerism 

People around the globe engage in volunteering efforts for a variety of reasons: to support a cause that is near and dear; give back to the community; connect with others; advance their careers; or simply bring fun and fulfilment to their lives.

Volunteering has many benefits. It allows people to come together and build friendships; fosters collaboration and development of professional relationships; permits the development of new skills and the sharpening of existing ones; boosts performance; and helps build one’s resume. There are also many health benefits to volunteering, too. Like combating depression and counteracting the effects of stress, anger, and anxiety, while also increasing self-confidence and providing one a sense of purpose.

Often, I’m asked why I’m so involved or why I’m willing to give up my personal time for the betterment of CSC. Simply answered, volunteering with CSC has allowed me to give back to my profession and to an organization that has given me so much. In some respects, it is my way of saying thank you. Through CSC, I’ve built long-lasting friendships both personally and professionally. I’ve built a network of trusted professionals who have fuelled me professionally including my career growth. CSC has also allowed me to share my skills (and grow them, too), expertise, knowledge, and connections to further the aims and objectives of the organization and the industry at large. It has enabled me to become a changemaker to bring effective, positive change for the betterment of not only CSC, but also our industry.

So, what are you waiting for? We’re fortunate to be part of an industry that is growing and thriving at rapid rates! Reach out to your local CSC Chapter (we have 15 across the country), your professional association, or organization and get involved! You’ll be surprised as to the benefits of volunteering and, most importantly, you’ll be able to give back to the industry without even knowing the full impact of your contribution.

CSC, as an organization, like many others, thrives on the efforts put forth by countless volunteers—including the board and executive council levels—across all our chapters. Our volunteers contribute to countless committees and collaborate with a multitude of organizations like Construction Specifications Institute (CSI), the Canadian Construction Association (CCA), Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC), amongst many others. Volunteers are the backbone of our organization and without their hard work, dedication, and commitment, we would not be able to achieve half of what we do. In the words of Helen Keller, “alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” To my fellow volunteers at CSC, and to all those who volunteer their time and efforts for the betterment of the industry, thank you! Without you, our success wouldn’t be possible.

I am a proud volunteer. I am CSC.

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