Design team announced for revamp of Calgary’s Arts Commons

Toronto-based KPMB Architects (KPMB) will lead the design team for the expansion and renewal of Calgary’s Arts Commons, one of the largest art centres in Canada. Photo courtesy Calgary Municipal Land Corporation

Toronto-based KPMB Architects (KPMB) will lead the design team for the expansion and renewal of Calgary’s Arts Commons, one of the largest art centres in Canada.

Working closely with KPMB at every step of the design phase will be Tawaw Architecture Collective Inc., headed by Calgarian Wanda Dalla Costa. Tawaw will ensure the Indigenous perspective is woven into all aspects of the design. Rounding out the project team are Calgary-based Hindle Architects and SLA, a nature-based design studio out of Denmark.

The centre will be transformed in two phases. The fully funded first phase will see the expansion of Arts Commons, adding new performance venues and support areas with connections to the current building. The second phase, the modernization of the existing space, will follow once funding is secured. The project scope for the design team encompasses both phases.

The first step will be to initiate the transformation’s concept design phase. The team expects to reveal the new design this fall. The first phase of construction is scheduled to begin in 2024.

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