Message from the president: We made it!

By Wyatt Eckert

Are we really looking at the end of 2020?! While there have been times when we have thought, “Thank goodness this year is coming to an end,” we have also wondered, “Where did the year go!?” We will have the pleasure of telling future generations: we made it! In what will surely go down as one of the most anxious, confusing, fluid, exhausting, and trying years in recent history, we should be proud to have made it through.

It is also the time of year when we review the days gone by. Past-president Greg Hofsted’s December 2019 message on self-reflection is still relevant. I am certain all of us have taken time for self-reflection and evaluation during this tumultuous year. Did you check-off all the items on your to-do list? I did not!

It was easy to lose track of long-term goals and focus solely on day-to-day matters this year, as it often felt like everything was happening with unprecedented and severe consequences. Well, it is not too late to resuscitate that check list!

Here are my top three last minute items to take care of before year’s end:

  • If you did not have a chance to engage a member or non-member in 2020, do so. Send an e-mail, make a phone call, or book a Zoom meeting. The holiday season is a great excuse to reach out.
  • Make sure to reach out to your local chapter to explore upcoming events. Your chapter executive has undoubtedly been hard at work planning for what is to come.
  • Did you say thanks to your association office? They are waiting to hear from you.

How about next year’s list? I suspect that will have a significantly different tone than 2020. For many of us priorities and focus have shifted. Let us make sure the list reflects what we have learned and experienced this year, as well as plan for unprecedented opportunities. Let us set the bar high.

Let me wrap up 2020 with a sincere thank you to all our members for their efforts in making this organization successful. Your support this year has been tremendous and, frankly, at times overwhelming. Your energy matters. Your contributions inspire. I am truly grateful for your efforts.

May your holidays and the New Year be filled with joy! Stay healthy, stay safe, stay CSC!

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