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Architects around the world are participating in the climate strike scheduled for Friday, September 20. Architects Advocate, a network of design professionals, has also launched the #StandWithGreta pledge campaign in support of a movement started by Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old activist from Sweden.
Vancouver-based Lateral Agency and Jennifer Cutbill of Local Practice Architecture + Design have signed the pledge thus far.
Thunberg’s movement started last year when she walked out of her school and stood in front of the Swedish Parliament with a sign that read ‘School Strike for Climate.’
On Friday, tens of thousands of teenagers would mirror her actions by walking out of their classrooms to demand decisive action on climate change.
In Vancouver, climate strikes will take place at 10 a.m. at the Karen Cooper Gallery, Granville Island, and on September 27 at 1 p.m. at City Hall.
Visit architects-advocate.com to sign the pledge. For strike locations and times, visit globalclimatestrike.net.
Architectural firms signed up so far are: Larigakis Architecture, HCMA Architecture and Lateral Agency. To sign up as endorsing and participating in the Climate Strike in Vancouver go here – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeCrS0sg0wDuYDw5y7Wp9frbLN9ulhGoDEHimSrAjLvKK3eFg/viewform .
Here is a map showing businesses and organizations registered as participating in Vancouver. There are many more that are not registered. https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1BzqOrm960Vm5FBmoHum2speMyC56jAET&ll=49.27836836058329%2C-123.11662440399641&z=15
Striking on climate is rediculous. I’m ashamed that architects are so ignorant about the real science of climate and Carbon dioxide….
Shame on us for not educating our children properly.
Do something constructive. Go on Strike to end homelessness, hunger and poverty.