ASTM launches leadership program

ASTM International standards are familiar to design and construction professionals. The organization has created Leadership Connection for its members offering educational resources and access to a technical committee mentoring program. Photo © BigStockPhoto/Gustavo Fadel.

Standards organization ASTM International has launched its Leadership Connection initiative, offering its members access to resources and information on educational opportunities.

The program emphasizes the benefits of ASTM membership in terms of opportunities available for career growth. Some of the program’s benefits include:

  • course offerings focused on communication skills;
  • available leadership experience through volunteer committee, subcommittee, or task group positions;
  • resources to improve organizational, team building, and negotiating skills; and
  • opportunities to interact with international government and industry stakeholders.

The program is applicable to all ASTM members, and those willing to participate will improve leadership skills and can further career growth in their industry, explained the group’s Katharine Morgan, vice-president of technical committee operations.

“We have approximately 1300 of our members hailing from Canada, many of whom are in the construction sector,” ASTM’s vice president, technical committee operations, Katharine Morgan, told Construction Canada Online. “They represent an important segment of our membership base.”

A main component of Leadership Connection is the ASTM Technical Committee Mentoring Program. New members are paired up with experienced members to offer instruction and insight into the technical committees. Additional information and request forms to be assigned a mentor are available through the organization’s website.

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