CaGBC presents online LEED records

Mohawk (64)
Mohawk College’s Learning Exchange facility at the Hamilton Campus is certified Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold. Further details about this project, and the many other Canadian LEED buildings, will be available in an online record system. Photo courtesy Zeidler Partnership Architects.

The Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) has launched an online database of the country’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified projects.

The LEED Project Profiles collection includes more than 4000 registered, certified projects with design details, building teams, and photos.

“Canada’s green building movement has evolved and grown a great deal over the past decade, as was evident earlier this year when we certified our 1000th LEED building,” said CaGBC’s president and CEO Thomas Mueller. “Profiling these projects demonstrates to the international community the depth of green building expertise, products, and technologies in the Canadian marketplace.”

The database, launched on September 18 as part of World Green Building Week, can be accessed by clicking here.

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