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The Canadian Institute of Steel Construction (CISC) will be holding its first ever National Steel Symposium in Toronto; the day will be packed with discussions and sessions from industry experts featuring the latest news in steel design and construction.
On Thursday, September 29, the event begins at 8 a.m., running until 5 p.m. at the Westin Harbour Castle, located at 1 Harbour Square.
Some of the topics that will be discussed include: ‘Bending Steel: What Is Possible?’, ‘Steel Trusses for Office Tower Construction’, and ‘Exciting Steel Projects: Their Steel Erection Challenges and Innovation Solutions.” Other sessions during the event range from building information modelling (BIM) and dispute resolution to seismic forces and sustainability. (One of the speakers is Melissa Lindsley of the American Galvanizers Association (AGA), who will be discussing the specification of coatings and galvanizing. To read her Construction Canada piece on hot-dip and zinc-rich paints , click here.)
Registration costs are $50 for consulting engineers, architects, students, and professors or $375 for other participants, plus tax.
The event is in conjunction with the CISC 87th annual conference and national design award program running from Tuesday, September 27 until Saturday, September 30.
To register or learn more about the event, click here.