NAFA honours 32 recipients with clean air awards

Clean Air Award - Cadillac Fairview - 777 Hornby Vancouver Pic-1--Smaller (3)
There were 32 winners of the National Air Filtration Association’s (NAFA’s) Clean Air Award, including Vancouver’s Cadillac Fairview located at 777 Dunsmuir Street. Photo courtesy Pacific Air Filter

The National Air Filtration Association (NAFA) has announced the winners of its 2015 Clean Air Awards.

The award is presented each year to building owners and managers in Canada and the United States that take the steps to significantly improve indoor air quality (IAQ) by increasing the level or efficiency of the HVAC air filtration system in 10 specific categories.

Candidates are nominated by NAFA members of the facility management community for the award and must submit in detail the steps taken towards cleaning the indoor environment through better filtration and system hygiene. A NAFA-certified air filter specialist confirms improvements, and then a committee judges each entry. Winners receive a trophy, building signage, and recognition for efforts.

One of the winners, Vancouver’s Bentall-Kennedy located at 777 Hornby Street, was constructed in 1969 in the heart of the downtown business district. The building increased to minimum efficiency reporting value (MERV)12 efficiency for its air filtration system, replaced pressure gauges for a more accurate determination of change cycles, replaced all worn or missing gaskets to seal filter in place for no air bypass, and implemented a filter change recording system.

Another winner was the Bow Building in Calgary, located at 500 Centre Street. The 58-floor building was constructed in 2012 and features 188,053 m² (2,024,182 sf) of multi-use space, including parking and retail. The building upgraded to 100-mm (4-in.) minipleat rigid filters with 10 m² (105 sf) of media in each filter to reduce the system pressure and allow the addition of activated carbon filters to remove odours in the building from the food court. Gasketing was also replaced so no air bypass or system pressure gauge was recalibrated to ensure proper filter change schedules. This removed the odour problem.

Vancouver’s Cadillac Fairview was also a winner. The tower is part of the Pacific Centre Complex, which consists of seven commercial and retail properties in the downtown area. It is a class AAA building with 19 floors and 26,384 m² (284,000 sf) of space. Final filters were upgraded to MERV 13, pre-filters were upgraded to MERV8 high capacity pleated filters, gasketing was replaced to ensure air-tight seals, and the pressure gauges were either replaced or modified to working order. Pacific Centre Complex won NAFA Clean Air awards for three other towers and plans to have all towers recognized in the future.

To view the full list of winners, click here.

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