A definitive, comprehensive guide to building information modelling (BIM) practices will soon be released by buildingSMART Canada, a council of the Institute for BIM in Canada (IBC).
Last fall, the group published a call to action for the country’s construction community to work together to improve performance and contribute more effectively by more collaborative approaches to project delivery. The idea was to align Canadian BIM tools and processes with other countries’ initiatives under way around the globe. The group also identified a need for a Practice Manual for BIM—a resource that would serve as the definitive reference for the use and application of building information modelling nationwide.
That first volume has now been completed, and work is underway on the development of two complementing books–Volume 2 (Company Context), which addresses changes at the organizational level that accompany greater BIM use) and Volume 3 (Project Considerations), which handles issues at the individual project level. All three volumes will be available in both English and French.
As construction documentation has a direct impact on every subsequent moment of any facilities’ lifecycle, it is imperative the CSC perspective be properly reflected in the BIM guide. The team is looking for individuals—especially those working with construction documentation—who would like to volunteer content, examples, or local best practices, or wish to provide feedback as the manual is being developed. For more information, visit the manual’s online home. Those interested in participating can also contact buildingSMART’s John Dickinson or Paul Woodard. To read their piece on BIM in Construction Canada, click here.