January 17, 2024 | By Carlos Alegre
Finding Workers in a Challenging Talent Market
Charlene Hofbauer, executive director of the Workforce Planning Board of Waterloo Wellington Dufferin
Presenter Bio: Charlene has developed relationships with partners looking to try unique solutions to help the community address labour market concerns and even tackling some of the bigger ones that go beyond WWD. She enjoys sharing research and trends in easy to understand pieces and seeks to connect the dots for governments, schools, employers, students and jobseekers alike.
Presentation Description: This session will provide local employers in the construction, design, and contracting spaces with information on the local workforce. Join Charlene Hofbauer who presents to different industries and stakeholders. Get a sense of who is out there and what challenges they may be having, where we need to attract more people, and how we can move our talent forward so that we can be ready for all opportunities.
When: Wednesday, January 17th, 2024
Time: 11:45-12:00 Networking
12:00-1:00 Presentation & Lunch (Included)
Where: Grand Valley Construction Association Office
25 Sheldon Drive, Cambridge
Cost: $25 Members / $35 Non-members / $10 Students
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