A $10.3 million contract has been awarded to Farrell’s Excavating Ltd. to construct an underpass allowing motorists access between the community of Galway, N.L., and the Trans-Canada Highway, and easing traffic congestion on Pitts Memorial Drive and nearby roads.
The underpass will be built below the Trans-Canada Highway at Exit 41, as well as ramps and a roundabout on the western side of the highway to connect to Danny Drive via the underpass.
The contract also includes the construction of a temporary four-lane diversion on the Trans-Canada Highway to allow motorists to travel around the construction site at a reduced speed.
The new infrastructure will allow motorists to depart and enter Galway via the highway’s westbound lanes.
“Constructing a new interchange to Galway on the Trans-Canada Highway will help ease traffic congestion on Pitts Memorial Drive, which is one of the busiest highways in the province. Transportation infrastructure is critical to help growing communities like Galway. Creating easier access to the area will also help economic development,” says Honourable Elvis Loveless, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure.
Good Development it will help with traffic.
By the way the abbreviation for Newfoundland and Labrador is NL not N.F.
Thanks a lot for finding the news informative. Also, thanks for pointing out the incorrect abbreviation.
Hopefully Farrell’s will use the proper 6″ of asphalt, as opposed to the 1.5″ that is somehow accepted everywhere else in NL. I wonder how much money Newfoundlanders would save if we weren’t constantly paying for Pyramid to do a half-job?
6 ” is thick. If the base is constructed properly. In that area it shouldn’t be a problem its all rock. The only thing that xill give away is the asphalt if it’s to thick. Forsure the base won’t considering the substructure is solid. Thic asphalt like 6″ will rut like crazy.
Hopefully theres inspectors on site to make sure the job is done correct,not a jb that needs too be done again in a few years.As ashfault is not tick enough.
To bad the roads around Nl are not important enough to do get done. We have to suffer humps and bumps and pot holes big enough for a vehicle tire to go down in and then ruin tire rim and all at our own expense. But hey who cares about that…to our government i say ” WAY TO GO “
Don’t tailgate. If you can’t see the pothole, you can’t avoid it. You really have to try to hit a pothole and if you do, you deserve the bill.
Too bad they forgot about completing team gushue
To bad they forgot about the rest of NL
Hopefully, there will be an improvement in how the roundabout is built. Winding roads create additional challenges when approaching a roundabout. Keep roads straight and increase the space between the in and out roads.
When a tractor trailer has to use two lanes to go through a round about, there is something wrong with that picture. Make them large enough.